Author Archives: Julie

Carrot Cake Cupcakes

Carrot Cake Cupcakes

Happy Friday, everyone…sort of. What a week it’s been. Between Boston and Texas, I just don’t know what to say that hasn’t already been said. This week has brought unquantifiable loss, sadness, and pain to so many, all during a week which historically already houses so much tragedy in the anniversaries of Columbine, Virginia Tech,… [click for recipe and more]

Strawberry Basil Smoothie

Strawberry Basil Smoothie

Monday, Monday, Monday. What can I say about it? I feel like it means well with its fresh start to the week and whatnot (who starts a diet on a Thursday? Nobody). But it’s just terrible. People get cases of it. That’s not a good thing. You don’t get a case of the sunshines or… [click for recipe and more]