Author Archives: Julie

New York Salt Potatoes

New York Salt Potatoes

Yesterday I had one of those days. You know those days. Nothing outright horrible happens, but these little piddling annoyances (doctor’s appointments, work stuff, blah blah blah) pile up throughout the day, and you’re gritting your teeth harder and harder and just when you think you can put today in the rearview, you’re driving home… [click for recipe and more]

Classic Chocolate Frosting

Classic Chocolate Frosting

As a baker, you don’t tend to hear a lot of complaints about cupcakes. What’s to complain about? Hi, I made you a tiny individualized cake! The only thing I sometimes hear – and agree with – is that the frosting is too sweet. There seems to be a bit of a rock and a… [click for recipe and more]

Tempeh Nicoise Salad

Tempeh Nicoise Salad

Can I say that salad is my favorite food? Is that cheating? You know what? I don’t even care. I LOVE SALAD. I am a salad addict, my mother before me was (and still is) a salad addict, her mother before her was a salad addict…you get the picture. I especially love salads that are… [click for recipe and more]