Author Archives: Julie

Tiramisu Cupcakes

Tiramisu Cupcakes

It’s been a month! A month since I’ve updated my now 13-month-old blog (does that mean my blog is a toddler now? And I didn’t even get it a smash cake). Work has been crazy, the holidays are always insane…excuses, excuses. If I made New Year’s resolutions, I’d make one to be the same perpetually… [click for recipe and more]

Apple Pie Fudge

Apple Pie Fudge

It’s a little sad heading down to the farmer’s market on Saturday mornings of late, mostly because I feel quite strongly that I should still be in bed. Does this happen to any of you? You go to bed on Friday night with the best intentions of sleeping in until some shameful hour, or at… [click for recipe and more]