Author Archives: Julie

Peanut Butter and Jelly Cookies

Peanut Butter and Jelly Cookies

A couple of things are reminding me of being a kindergartener right now. The first day of school, for one. For lots of people, it was last week or the week before. For me, the only reason I really noticed is because the blissfully light summer traffic has once again descended into gridlock. Welcome back,… [click for recipe and more]

Peach Crumb Bars

Peach Crumb Bars

I read a really great rumination last week along the lines of “if you’re constantly posting in your blog about you have no time to update your blog, just delete your f***ing blog.” It made me laugh aloud because I had been just about ready to post something about how I’m soooo busy and have… [click for recipe and more]